Our platform
It’s time to say NO to business as usual and YES to the equitable, growing and unified Saint Louis we could have. It is past time for our city to start investing in its greatest asset: its people. There is no better investment than in small businesses, entrepreneurs, workers, and families who are the backbone of this city.
Financial literacy is personal for me. I want others to avoid some of the pitfalls that I experienced as a young adult. In my twenties, I filed for bankruptcy. While I was lucky enough to find the needed resources to get back on my feet, not everyone in our city is so lucky, and city government needs to be a better partner to those who are struggling to land on their feet. To help people avoid the same mistakes I made, I opened the City’s first Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE). The OFE provides free financial literacy classes, helps people clean up their credit, obtain second-chance bank accounts, and reach financial independence. Everyone deserves a second chance, and I will make it my mission to help people build wealth and generational prosperity for their families.
As mayor, my administration has focused on equitable growth by being a champion for small business, assisting St. Louisans in building assets, and reducing poverty through:
➪ Access to Responsible Banking and Credit
➪ Equitable Access to Jobs and Entrepreneurship
➪ reducing Homelessness through sustainable solutions
Our Record
➪ Worked with City leaders and the Real Estate Tax Assistance Fund coalition to provide $500,000 to help St. Louis families avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes.
➪ Signed Right to Counsel Bill for Tenants Facing Eviction
➪ Partnered with local and regional organizations to improve access to free transit for St. Louis youth, connecting them with job opportunities.
➪ Signed BB 174, Empowering Jeff-Vander-Lou & St. Louis Place Neighborhood Residents to Revitalize and Protect their Communities
➪ Worked with Veterans Community Project to open tiny homes project and veterans outreach center offering permanent supportive housing
➪ Invested Over $26 million to create affordable housing opportunities, provide necessary social services, and improve infrastructure throughout the city:
Bringing hundreds of public housing units back into service for city families with $2 million in renovations
$13.7 million for affordable and permanent supportive housing to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability
$1.6 million in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds and $3.1 million in Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) funds administered by the City’s Department of Health. Last year, these funds helped serve more than 2,500 individuals through partners including Gateway 180, Peter and Paul, St. Martha’s Hall, Covenant House and Doorways.